An Update On Life.

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.~Henry Adams

Unexpected Changes
Moving on to the next chapter in life.

Moving on to the next chapter in life.

In my last update, I shared how I was getting set up to be a substitute teacher. I haven’t written much lately because there’s been much going on in physical life. I think it’s OK to share the changes now…

Becoming a substitute teacher fell through… Because I landed a full time teaching position, in art!

I was having trouble getting the agency who handles substitute teachers to proceed with my application… No one would return my calls, they lost my transcripts and basically every roadblock that could appear did.

I woke up earlier this week and decided to check the job board for open teaching positions. There was a new one posted for an art teacher, so I called to get an email to send my resume.

I was asked to come in that day to interview so off I went. After a short interview I was offered the position on the spot!

The position is with a special program to help children who have been held back multiple times to graduate on time. The administrators feel art is a great way to reach these children.

I’m excited that I was chosen to be involved with helping these children figure out what they want from life…

Scary Times Ahead

School starts tomorrow but I won’t be in the classroom immediately… I’ll be  doing all the necessary paperwork and other stuff that needs to be done before I can get into the classroom.

I’ll be starting in a few days though, It’s exciting but scary. Learning how to teach is something I’ll learn about as I do it… Things will work out though.

It’s strange how life works. In the course of one day I went from feeling lost and without options to getting my dream job. All the weeks I spent worrying about the future did nothing good…

Life happens whether we worry or not. I forgot the basic idea that the universe will align for us… I couldn’t know that this opportunity was going to happen, but I also didn’t know it wouldn’t happen.

Put out your intentions and expect your desires to manifest. It really does work… I just forgot it did, for a while…

This Blog

I’ll continue to work on this blog and develop my desires beyond work. Doug still has a lot to say. I’m grateful for everyone who’s followed along over this past year. I hope you”ll stick around for the new Doug adventures…


  1. Congratulations. The excitement at the opportunity you have…to inspire and uplift children through art. Only great things can come as a result of this!

  2. Congratulations!!! 🙂

  3. That’s absolutely marvellous news – work that speaks so much to your heart and soul. Amazing how the universe works, isn’t it? Congratulations!

  4. Wonderful, congratulations and good luck. 🙂

  5. Lorraine · · Reply

    Congratulations on the new job! I love it when everything falls into place. You are going to be helping very special kids.

  6. Hey there – fantastic! Congratulations. I think you’re going to make a spectacular teacher. You have energy, creativity – those kids don’t know it yet, but they’re about to be filled with bucket loads of inspiration for a lifetime…
    AnnMarie 🙂

  7. Perfect! Take Doug with you, the kids will love him! I wouldn’t miss your future adventures, thanks for letting me tag along 🙂 Congratulations!

  8. Congratulations!! 🙂 You and all those little artists are blessed indeed, to have found each other! 🙂 Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!

  9. Congrats on your new job! 🙂 I’m sure you will do great and the kids will love you. Thanks for sharing the new exciting news, and for writing this great post. It is so true, worrying helps no one! Whatever you believe in, I think it gives a person a sense of belonging to believe that things will eventually be sorted out. Keep us updated on how the job goes 🙂 Hope you’re having a great day

  10. nicciattfield · · Reply

    Well done, John! Congratulations! You deserve this job.

  11. Happy for you.

  12. narniagal · · Reply

    Congrats!!! Have a great adventure!

  13. I’m so happy for you! I love how thing work out like that, when we don’t expect it, but we’ve been putting our hopes and dreams out there, not knowing how or when it’s going to work and then things just come together when the time is right – a wonderful and special kind of magic! Thanks for the reminder that this is how it works!

  14. Congratulations! What a wonderful opportunity to help shape young minds. 🙂

  15. Fantastic news! I am so happy for you! It seems to me that all those roadblocks existed just to ensure you get the right job. What lucky students!

  16. Congratulations! I am very happy for you…. Alice 🙂

  17. Excellent! Beepboop!

  18. Thinking about you today. Hope the job is going well!

  19. Yay! Way to go John! I think what you are saying here is that it is important to keep a light heart! That is not going to be difficult when you are surrounded with kids holding messy paint brushes… All the best!

  20. That is an amazing news! It is always inspiring to hear of others dreams coming true! Thank you for sharing and congratulations:)

  21. Dear John…
    A long time has passed since I read your posts.. (Such as Life!!).., I have missed it..
    Enhorabuena… Well done!, you deserve it because you ARE WORTH IT… :-)… I am very happy for you and those children as I have not doubt you will change their life..!!
    I will certainly stick around to enjoy your new times ahead..
    Lots of love

  22. an on da flip side 🙂 well, hope life is well for john 🙂 and dougy! 🙂
    keep on keepin on :)………. an take care 🙂 ..Q

  23. […] and I have been away for a couple months… As we shared in a past post, I landed a job as a middle school art […]

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